19 October 2007

4 Things About 23PSI

Update: There will be no further posts on blogger. Please go to 23psi.com.

  1. 23PSI is just me. I do everything (bar stitching & printing the t-shirts) from my studio on the top floor of my home. So it's an intensely personal venture and very much an extension of me.
  2. 23PSI is first about design, then t-shirts. Why design first? Because design is everything (Punk Marketing: Get Off Your Ass and Join the Revolution) - if it weren't, I might as well sell blank t-shirts. And t-shirts? The best medium to convey/communicate design. It moves and engages in a way no other medium can.
  3. 23PSI reflects my view of the world which I hope finds a common ground with those who love design and t-shirts.
  4. 23PSI is about the indie d-i-y ethic; about defining yourself in your own terms and doing things your own way.

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